The network forms working groups that focus on current issues of interest.
Here you can find a small introduction to the topics that our working groups are occupied with.
The WG Risk Communication was established in 2023 with the aim of connecting stakeholders with an interest in improving risk communication. Best practices are to be identified and the findings are to be transformed into projects.
Since 2008, a municipal partnership has existed between the city of Bonn and the Cape Coast Metropolitan Assembly, the capital of the Central Region and the Cape Coast Municipal District of Ghana. The city of Bonn is also part of the regional partnership North Rhine-Westphalia - Ghana. Since 2011, the focus has been on the climate partnership. The city partnership participates in various multi-year donor-funded projects on reforestation, waste management, environmental education and on exchange of experts. In addition, there are cooperations with NGOs, science as well as international city networks.
The WG Strategy first deals with the future orientation of the network. It develops ideas for new topics, activities and expert exchanges.
Furthermore, the WG is concerned with possibilities of bringing the network more into the public eye through contributions in magazines and its presence at conferences or web talks. Communication within the network is also to be improved.
The WG Wildfires was established in 2022 and aims at bundling expert knowledge on wildfires and exchanging expertise.