Every quarter, the Bonn Network International Civil Protection and Disaster Risk Reduction publishes a newsletter with articles on disaster management issues, interviews with experts from our partners, and current reports and events.
In this issue, you can expect content from the following partner institutions:
The DKKV reports on the WaX-Hydrological extreme events (WaX) (ger.: Wasser-Extrem-Ereignisse) funding programme initiated by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), as part of which two impulse papers were published on the topics of heavy rainfall and flash floods and drought. The impulse papers are aimed at municipal and regional administrations, authorities and decision-makers as well as private and public stakeholders in water management and agriculture with recommendations for action.
The Bonn Network invites you to the 2024 lecture series, in which we give our members the opportunity to present their work and projects. The lecture series consists of a total of four events and begins on Wednesday, October 23 with a lecture by our partners at Fraunhofer INT. After that, there will be further events every three weeks.
As always you will also find new publications and upcoming events in our newsletter.
If you would like to advertise your own projects, events or publications in our newsletters, please contact us.
The network secretariat wishes you an enjoyable read!
Yannick Braun & Dr Benni Thiebes
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Fraunhofer INT presents the Firelogue coordination project, which aims to consolidate knowledge on the topic of forest fire risk from the Green Deal innovation measures and make it accessible to the wider public.
The German Red Cross Bonn presents the spontaneous helper app Team Bonn, which aims to make it as easy and unbureaucratic as possible to find help. In addition to assistance, information on the situation assessment, such as water levels or temperature, can also be transmitted.
The BBK invites you to the second BBK specialist congress "Research for Civil Protection" in February 2025.
The Bonn Fire Brigade provides information about the training programme for German forest fire modules.
Fraunhofer INT presents the EU Horizon2020 project RiskPACC, which is developing methods to improve risk perception and preparation.
The European Forest Institute reports on the completion of the Forest Fire Climate Resilience (WKR) project.
The Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance (BBK) presents the new information platform KatRiMa.de, provides insights into the resilience strategy and informs about the cloverleaf mechanism for patient transports from Ukraine.
UN-SPIDER reports on the conference "Space-based Solutions for Disaster Management: Early Warnings for All" and the associated new publication.
The newsletter also provides information on new publications and upcoming events.
In this issue, you can expect input from the following partner institutions:
Peter Billing, formerly with the European Commission in Brussels for various tasks related to disaster management, presents the novel EU-funded EUMA project (EUMA - Creating a European Higher Education Network for a Master's Programme in Disaster Risk Management).
Mayyada Ansari is the network's new contact person for DHL and introduces herself and her work as Global Head of DHL GoHelp.
In October, the latest Interconnected Disaster Risks report by UNU EHS was published and we got to interview Caitlyn Eberle, one of the lead authors.
Likewise, our newsletter informs you about new publications, call for papers, and upcoming events.
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In this issue, you can expect content from the following partner institutions:
The new contact persons of Telekom and DLR introduce themselves.
THW reports on the support of the Tunisian civil response with THW equipment during the flood disaster in Libya.
The DKKV contributes by sharing about the Water Extreme Events (WaX) status seminar and Stefan Wagner from the City of Bonn gives an update on the Making Cities Resilient 2030 initiative.
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In this issue, you can expect input from the following partner institutions:
The Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance (BBK) reports on the successful BBK conference "Research for Civil Protection" aand on the cloverleaf mechanism and the related patient transfer from Ukraine.
The German Committee for Disaster Reduction (DKKV) summarizes the events of the first DKKV workshop on the development of the new warning system of the German Weather Service.
The City of Bonn announces Bonn's participation in the UNDRR Making Cities Resilient Partnership and the central role that networks like ours play in this process.
The Bonn Fire Department publishes a field report on a successful European forest fire exercise in Portugal.
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Newsletter #09 March 2023
Exercises are an essential part of civil protection and serve to prepare for potential events. How can they be planned and conducted to ensure a realistic simulation of an emergency? How can they contribute to improve the operational capability of the actors involved to respond to changing risk scenarios?
In this newsletter, different projects on civil protection exercises, their evaluation and international application are presented by partners of the network. Furthermore, we inform you about interesting events and new publications.
Newsletter #08 October 2022
As with other natural hazards, the probability of forest fires is increasing more and more in terms of the climate crisis. But what should effective forest fire prevention and control look like in Germany? How do other countries defend themselves against this natural hazard? These and other questions are answered by Prof. Dr. Johann Georg Goldammer, head of the Global Fire Monitoring Center (GFMC) of the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry and the University of Freiburg. In the following, the THW and the Bonn Fire Department present their own projects.
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Newsletter #07 July 2022
The 1.7 million volunteers are a key pillar of the German Disaster management – as the floods in July 2021 have clearly demonstrated. But what is the current situation of volunteerism in Germany? What role does volunteering play in other countries? How can individuals contribute to disaster prevention? Prof. Dr. Alexander Fekete discusses these issues in an interview.
Newsletter #06 March 2022
Weather extremes are increasing noticeably. This affects cities in particular, where heavy rain, flooding or heat waves, for example, can
lead to major damage, health problems and, in the worst case, even death.
In an interview, Dr. Simone Sandholz points out the effects and resulting challenges of climate change in cities. In addition, a review of the previous events of the WebTalk-Series of the Bonn Network is presented.
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Newsletter #05 November 2021
Following the recent flood disaster in the summer of 2021, which led to severe flooding in North Rhine-Westphalia and Rhineland-Palatinate, this newsletter takes up these events and examines them in the context of climate change.
Also included is an interview with Prof. Dr. Jakob Rhyner, who comments on a wide range of issues regarding the effects of climate change. In addition to articles on this year's conference on disaster risk reduction and on the 25th anniversary of the UN City of Bonn, you will also find a member contribution on the "KlamEx" project.
Newsletter #04 July 2021
The fourth newsletter of the Bonn Network for International Civil Protection and Risk Management has been published on the topic of "Digitalisation in Disaster Management". It includes an informative interview with Dr.- Ing. Christian Nawroth, Head of Division at the German Federal Office for Information Security, and Manuel Atug, Head of Business Development at HiSolutions AG. Furthermore, this newsletter contains a contribution from Aktion Deutschland Hilft and the organization Help - Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe, as well as a report on the workshop of the Bonn Network on the topic of digitalisation in disaster management. Furthermore, we inform you about current news, interesting events and new publications.
Newsletter #03 April 2021
The third newsletter of the Bonn Network for International Civil Protection and Risk Management deals with the topic "Knowledge Management". In keeping with this theme, this issue features an informative interview with Dr. Felix Bloch, Head of Unit for Knowledge Networks and Evidence-Based Policy at the Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid. Furthermore, this issue contains member contributions from the German Federal Agency for Technical Relief (THW) and the Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance (BBK), as well as the Society for International Cooperation (GiZ) on the European Union Knowledge Network and a local example from Ukraine. Furthermore, we inform you about current news, interesting events and new publications.
Newsletter #02 January 2021
This newsletter is dedicated to the topic of COVID-19 and includes an in-depth interview with Professor and book author David Alexander on the topic of COVID-19 in the context of Disaster Risk Reduction and Coping
Mechanisms. Also interviewed is Prof. Dr. med. Walter Bruchhausen, who has been Director of the Master's Programme Global Health- Risk Management and Hygiene Policies at the University of Bonn since May 2020.
Newsletter #01 September 2020
The first newsletter issue of the Bonn Network International Civil Protection and Disaster Risk Reduction is dedicated to the topic of "heavy rainfall". The interviews with Dr. Benni Thiebes (DKKV), Dipl.-Ing. Peter Esch (Department of Civil Engineering of the City of Bonn), and Guillermo Griem (THW), illustrate the challenges posed by heavy rainfall events on a local level, but also on national and international level. In a further interview Stefan Wagner (Department of International Affairs and Global Sustainability of the City of Bonn) talks about the creation of the network.